Members of the SICon research group published an article in the journal “Construction and Building Materials”.

The article “Behavior of cement-based coating mortars under fire or high temperatures: A systematic literature review” is available as an article submitted to the journal in 2024.
The authors are post-graduates from the Civil Engineering course at the federal universities of Ouro Preto, Viçosa and Juíz de Fora, respectively.
They are:
Letícia Matias Martins
José Maria Franco de Carvalho
Thais Mayra de Oliveira
Julia Castro Mendes
The study analyzed the influence of different materials on the performance of coating mortars at high temperatures, essential for passive fire protection. The review of 102 recent articles highlighted the promising role of carbon nanotubes, supplementary cementitious materials, fibers and phase change materials in improving the fire resistance of mortars. However, gaps were identified in the physical and thermal characterization of mortars, especially with curing ages greater than 90 days. The research aims to improve the effectiveness and safety of coating mortars in buildings.
The full summary and other information about the article at the link: