Members of the SICon research Group published an article in “Science Direct”

The article is titled: “Behavior of Self-Sensing Masonry Structures Exposed to High Temperatures and Rehydration” and is featured in Volume 16 of “Structures,” Volume 68, October 2024.
The authors of the article are: Gustavo Henrique Nalon, José Carlos Lopes Ribeiro, Leonardo Gonçalves Pedroti, Roberto Márcio da Silva, and Eduardo Nery Duarte de Araújo. The group consists of researchers from the Department of Civil Engineering and the Department of Physics at the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) and the Department of Structural Engineering at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG).
This study aimed to explore the piezoresistive behavior of self-sensing masonry elements exposed to high temperatures, with a focus on self-damage detection. The work seeks to evaluate the effectiveness of concrete blocks and mortar joints in monitoring stresses and strains after fire, allowing for early detection of problems such as cracks and structural collapse. Additionally, the influence of post-fire rehydration on the recovery of mechanical and piezoresistive properties of the masonry is investigated.
The full abstract and more information about the article can be found at the link below: