Members of the SICon research group published in Building Journal the article “Experimental Analysis of the Watertightness Performance of Interfaces between Masonry and Steel Structures Subjected to Accelerated Aging”.

The authors are researchers from the Department of Civil Engineering at the Federal University of Viçosa. Are they:
Alex de Freitas Bhering, Rayane Neves Franco, Mariana Araújo dos Santos, Lorena de Melo Sathler, Leonardo Gonçalves Pedroti, Humberto Varum, Gustavo de Souza Veríssimo and José Luiz Rangel Paes
The article proposes a method to treat common interface joints between masonry and steel structures using an EPDM elastomer membrane, a technique that aims to guarantee the durability and tightness of the joints when subjected to aging caused by exposure to heat and thermal shock.
The full summary and other information about the article can be found at the link: