Members of the SIcon Research Group publish a summary at the Simpósio de Integração Acadêmica – SIA 2021.

The presentation video with the title “Evaluation of the Effect of Vibration on The Results of Compressive Resistance of Reduced Specimens of Self-Supporting Micro Concrete with Low Cement Consumption”, was submitted by our members Igor Lopes Salgado, José Maria Franco de Carvalho, Ariel Miranda de Souza and Carol Rezende Ferreira Santos.
This work seeks to evaluate the effectiveness of the application of a vibration densification procedure (40 hertz for 10 seconds) in the results of compressive strength of cylindrical specimens of reduced dimensions (35×35), produced with self-adensable micro concretes with partial replacement of Portland cement by gnaissis filler. The full summary and other information about the article can be found at the link below:

The presentation panel with the title “SICon Research Group: the importance of scientific dissemination of its results”, was submitted by our members João Pedro Martins Pereira, José Maria Franco de Carvalho, Ariel Miranda de Souza, Beatryz Cardoso Mendes, Leonardo Gonçalves Pedroti.
The study aims to analyze the activities and strategies used by the research project in question, in the scientific dissemination of its results. With this research, it is intended to highlight the importance of dissemination beyond the academic environment, encouraging the continuity of such practices both for the communication team of the research group, as well as for other projects and institutions that constitute similar practices. The full summary and other information about the article can be found at the link below: