Members of the SIcon group publish eight chapters in the book Characterization of Minerals, Metals, and Materials 2021.

Members of the SICon Research Group and collaborators from other institutions published eight chapters in the book “Characterization of Minerals, Metals, and Materials 2021”, organized by The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series of Springer Nature Publishing.

The article “Analysis of Potential Applications of Kamafugite Rocks in Fertilizer” is authored by the researchers: Rodrigo Lima da Motta Junior, Edson Márcio Mattiello, Patrícia Cardoso Matias, Fabiane Carvalho Ballotin, Gustavo Emílio Soares de Lima, Leonardo Gonçalves Pedroti, Jéferson Silveira Martins.
The present research analyzed the morphology feature, the physical and chemistry properties of the material, and its potential as an alternative fertilizer. The full summary and other information about the article can be found at the link below:
The article “Chemical, Physical, and Morphological Characterization of Eco-Clinker Produced from Industrial Wastes” is authored by the researchers: A. L. Oliveira, L. Pedroti, G. Brigolini, J.M. F. de Carvalho, J.C. L. Ribeiro, C.M.M. de Souza, M. Altoé, A.C. P. Martins, W. Fernandes, B.C. Mendes, C.M. Torres, G. E. S. de Lima, M.M. S. Lopes.
The aim of this research was to produce and characterize an eco-clinker from the reuse of grits residues (produced at cellulose manufacturing process), granite residues (produced during the processing of ornamental rocks). The full summary and other information about the article can be found at the link below:

The article “Effect of the Incorporation of Bauxite and Iron Ore Tailings on the Properties of Clay Bricks” is authored by the researchers: Beatryz C. Mendes, Leonardo G. Pedroti, Bianca R. Bonomo, Anna Carolina L. Lucas, Lívia S. Silva, Márcia M. S. Lopes, Gustavo E. S. Lima.
This work aimed to study the incorporation of bauxite and iron ore tailings in clay bricks. The full summary and other information about the article can be found at the link below:
The article “Evaluation of Thermal Healing in Pervious Concrete Pavers Produced with Reactive Powders Concrete” is authored by the researchers: Wellington Fernandes, Leonardo Pedroti, Maurício Felisberto, Guilherme Botelho, Gustavo Lima, Beatryz Mendes, Heraldo Pitanga and André Oliveira.
This work aimed to study two traces of pervious concrete, used as a pavement to mitigate floods in cities. It is a concrete composed of a structure of interconnected voids allowing the flow of water, reducing the speed of surface flow. The full summary and other information about the article can be found at the link below:

The article “Influence of the Incorporation of Granite Waste on the Weathering Resistance of Soil Pigment-Based Paints” is authored by the researchers: Márcia Maria Salgado Lopes, Leonardo Gonçalves Pedroti, Gustavo Emilio Soares de Lima, José Carlos Lopes Ribeiro, Gustavo Henrique Nalon, Beatryz Cardoso Mendes, André Luís de Oliveira Junior.
The objective of this study is to evaluate the influence of granite waste, acting as mineral filler, on the weathering resistance of soil pigment-based paints. The full summary and other information about the article can be found at the link below:
The article “Influence of Modifier Admixture Based on LAS in Cement Pastes” is authored by the researchers: Ana Carolina Pereira Martins, Matheus do Nascimento Duarte, José Maria Franco de Carvalho, André Luís de Oliveira Jr., Gabriel Meireles de Arruda, Leonardo Gonçalves Pedroti.
This paper discusses the influences of an alternative admixture based on linear alkyl benzene sodium sulfonate (LAS) in cement pastes. The full summary and other information about the article can be found at the link below:

The article “Study of Pathologies in Alkali-Activated Materials Based on Slag” is authored by the researchers: M. T. Marvila, A. R. G. Azevedo, E.B. Zanelato, T. E. S. Lima, G.C. G. Delaqua, C.M. F. Vieira, L. G. Pedroti, S. N. Monteiro.
The objective of this work was to measure the alkaline mortars activated by a solution of 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5 and 15M using sodium hydroxide, testing the material under compression and absorption of water with 7 days of cure at room temperature, and thermal cure at 60 °C. The full summary and other information about the article can be found at the link below:
The article “The Simpex-Lattice Method Application to Optimize the Design of Soil-Slag-Fly Ash Mixtures” is authored by the researchers: Mateus Henrique R. Rodrigues, Leonardo G. Pedroti, Taciano O. da Silva, Heraldo N. Pitanga, Klaus Henrique de P. Rodrigues, Emerson C. Lopes.
This study applied the Simplex-Rettice method to perform the experimental design to optimize the design of soil fly-slag ash mixtures. The full summary and other information about the article can be found at the link below: