Members of the research groups Reciclos and SICon published an article in the Journal of Building Engineering.

The article “Coating mortars produced with recycled PET aggregates: A technical, environmental, and socioeconomic approach applied to Brazilian social housing” is a product of the Rede Mineira de Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento científico, Tecnológico e Inovação and is available in vol. 83, 2024.
The authors are researchers from the Federal University of Ouro Preto, Federal University of Viçosa and the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Minas Gerais – Santa Luzia. Those are: Douglas Mol Resende, Vitor Freitas Mendes, Victor Rezende Carvalho, Marcela Aguiar Nogueira, José Maria Franco de Carvalho, Ricardo André Fiorotti Peixoto
This work evaluates the technical, thermal and socioeconomic performance analysis of coating mortars produced entirely with recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET) aggregates, applied in a social housing prototype. This research highlights the benefits of reusing plastic waste in construction. This approach can contribute to the development of other economic sectors, mitigate the housing deficit and increase the dignity of vulnerable populations around the world.
The full abstract and other information about the paper can be found at the link: