Members of the research groups Reciclos and SICon publish an article in the journal “Construction and Building Materials”.

The article “Performance of low-energy steel slag powders as supplementary cementitious materials” is available in vol. 392, 2023, of the journal.
The authors are researchers of the Departments of Civil Engineering of the Federal University of Viçosa. Those are: Victor Rezende Carvalho, Laís Cristina Barbosa Costa, Fernanda Pereira da Fonseca Elói, Augusto Cesar da Silva Bezerra, José Maria Franco de Carvalho e Ricardo André Fiorotti Peixoto.
The study evaluated basic low energy oxygen furnace slag (BOFS) powders as supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) in order to demonstrate the feasibility of using waste from steel slag aggregate processing plants as a low energy alternative to replace conventional SCMs.
The full abstract and others informations about the papper can be found at the link: