Members of the research group SICon publish an article in the journal “Construction and Building Materials”.

The article “Application of mixture design of experiments to the development of alkali-activated composites based on chamotte and waste glass” is available in vol. 379, 2023, of the journal.
The authors are researchers of the Departments of Civil Engineering of the Federal University of Viçosa and the State University of Norte Fluminense. Those are: Beatryz C. Mendes, Leonardo G. Pedroti, Carlos Maurício F. Vieira, José Maria F. de Carvalho, José Carlos L. Ribeiro e Cássia Mirelly M. de Souza.
The objective of the work is the application of the experimental mixing project to determine optimal dosages for alkali-activated pressed composites based on two precursors: chamotte and residual glass.
The full abstract and others informations about the papper can be found at the link: