Members of the research group SICon presented an article at the Brazilian Congress of Bridges and Structures (CBPE 2023).

The article presented is titled “Deterministic models for predicting bridge degradation by 3rd order polynomial regression”.
The authors are researchers of the Departments of Civil Engineering of the Federal University of Viçosa. Those are:
Christian Alexandre Feitosa, José Maria Franco de Carvalho, Ana Carolina Pereira Martins, Fernando Gussão Bellon, Maria Cláudia Sousa Alvarenga, Álvaro C. Coelho, Matheus S. Andrade, Diogo S. Oliveira, José C. L. Ribeiro and Kleos M. L. Cesar Jr.
The work consists of developing deterministic models for predicting bridge degradation in Brazil. These models are created using 3rd order polynomial regression, using data from 885 bridges. The objective is to consider the history of each individual bridge, allowing the design of the group’s behavior in a more precise and reliable way.
The full abstract and others informations about the papper can be found at the link: