Members of the research group SICon participated in the publication of an article in the journal Ambiente Construído.

The article “Influence of the filler effect of marble powder on the production of concrete for interlocking pavements” is available in vol. 23, 2023.
The authors are researchers from the Departments of Civil Engineering at the Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP), Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF) and Federal University of Viçosa (UFV). Those are: Aldo Ribeiro de Carvalho – UFOP, Gilber da Silva Júnior – UFJF, Wanna Carvalho Fontes – UFOP, Guilherme Jorge Brigolini Silva – UFOP, Leonardo Gonçalves Pedroti – UFV and Thaís Mayra de Oliveira – UFJF.
The study aims to investigate the use of residual marble powder as a filler and its effects on the production of concrete for interlocking pavements. For this purpose, natural sand was replaced by 15% and 25% marble powder, these percentages being scarce in the literature on the reuse of marble waste. The physical properties of the materials used were evaluated, and the mechanical and microstructural characteristics of the developed concrete were analyzed.
The full abstract and others informations about the papper can be found at the link: