Members of the Department of the Civil Engineer – UFV and of the SICon research group published the article “Projeto e Construção de Estrutura de Impressora 3d e Produção de Elementos Estruturais de Argamassa” at the Anais do Jubileu de Ouro Ibracon – 2022.

The authors are reserachers of the Departments of Civil Engineering of the Federal University of Viçosa. Those are:
Diego Dias Veloso (UFV)
Camila Pedras (UFV)
José Maria Franco de Carvalho (UFV)
Diôgo Silva de Oliveira (UFV)
The article explains the building and project process of a 3D printer of mortar, steps and properties necessaries to print and the mechanical test of a truss piece produced by it.
The full abstract and other informations about the article can be found at the link: