Members of the Department of Civil Engineering – UFV and of the SICon research group, together with collaborators of the Department of Buildings and Highways of Minas Gerais and the group TechBIM published the article: “Estado da arte e BIM: um banco de dados aplicável às obras de reabilitação” in the jounal Concreto & Construções – 2022, edition 106.

The authors are reserachers of the Departments of Civil Engineering of the Federal University of Viçosa and DEER-MG. Those are:
Maria Luisa Ribeiro Antunes (PUC-BH) @maluribeiroantunes
Diogo Oliveira (UFV) @diogo.d.oliv
José Carlos Ribeiro (UFV)
José Maria Carvalho (UFV)
Kléos Magalhães Lenz César Júnior (UFV) @kleos1234
Vitor Calixto Cury (DEER-MG) @curi.vitor
This article contextualizes the State of Art, included in the technical engineering reports, in line with Federal Decree 10,306, which includes reinforcement and structural rehabilitation in the implementation of Building Information Modeling (BIM).
The full abstract and other informations about the article can be find at the link: