In collaboration with UENF researchers, members of the SICon group participated in the publication of an article in “Construction and Building Materials”

The article is titled: “Performance of geopolymer tiles in high temperature and saturation conditions” and is present in volume 286 of the journal “Construction and Building Materials” 2021.
The authors of the article are: Markssuel T. Marvila, Afonso R.G. Azevedo, Geovana C.G. Delaqua, Beatryz C. Mendes, Leonardo G. Pedroti, Carlos M.F. Vieira. The group is composed of researchers from the State University of Northern Rio de Janeiro – (UENF) and Federal University of Viçosa (UFV).
This work aims to evaluate the application of geopolymer tiles in high temperature conditions to understand how fires and rains modify the performance of these materials. Since high temperature and saturation situations are conditions that a building material may experience due to fire, heavy rains and floods, for example. The full summary and other information about the article can be found at the link below: