Article of the Research Group SICon is published in the “Materials Research – Ibero-american Journal of Materials”.

The title reads: “Microstructural Investigation of the Effects of Carbon Black Nanoparticles on Hydration Mechanisms, Mechanical and Piezoresistive Properties of Cement Mortars” and is part of “Materials Research – Ibero-american Journal of Materials” 2021.
The authors of the article are: Gustavo Emilio Soares de Lima, Gustavo Henrique Nalon, Rodrigo Felipe Santos, José Carlos Lopes Ribeiro, José Maria Franco de Carvalho, Leonardo Gonçalves Pedroti, Eduardo Nery Duarte de Araújo. The group is composed of researchers from the Departments of Civil Engineering and Physics of the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV).
The present study developed a microstructural evaluation of the influence of CBN on both mechanical and piezoresistive properties of mortars and provided different new contributions: (i) the cement hydration mechanisms in CBN-based cementitious composites were analyzed based on a combination of techniques of scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy; (ii) significant improvements in mechanical strength, static elastic modulus and self-sensing ability of CBN-based mortars were achieved, in comparison to results of previous studies; (iii) an optimal balance between mechanical and piezoresistivity properties of CBN-based cementitious composites was proposed. The full summary and other information about the article can be found at the link below: