
The Research Group SICon is based at the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) , Brazil, internationally recognized for its excellence in teaching, research and extension.
The Group’s office is located in the building of the Laboratories of Engineering (LABENGE – UFV), where the following supporting laboratories are installed:
• Laboratory of Composite Materials (LCO)
• Laboratory of Mechanical Tests (LEM)
• Laboratory of Computation Applied to Engineering (LCEE)
• Laboratory of Structures (LBE)
• Laboratory of Materials Strength (LRM)
The core laboratory of the Research group, however, is the Laboratory of Building Materials (LMC), located in the building of the Laboratories of Civil Engineering (LEC), where most research activities are performed. In this building, other supporting laboratories are located, they are:
• Laboratory of Soil Mechanics(LMS)
• Laboratory of Asphaltic Materials and Mixtures (LMAM)
Researchers from SICon have also received great support from several other UFV laboratories, including:
• Nucleus of Microscopy and Microanalysis (NMM)
• Laboratory of Cellulose and Paper (LCP)
• Laboratory of X-ray