Year |
Category |
Title |
Author |
Link |
2010 | Master’s thesis | Investigação da mão-de-obra no setor da construção civil na região central de Viçosa-MG, quanto a treinamento e qualificação | Mendes |  |
2010 | Master’s thesis | Proposta metodológica para o projeto de sistemas de fechamento em alvenaria para edifícios institucionais em estrutura de aço | Araújo |  |
2011 | Journal article | Avaliação do potencial do grits como material de construção na produção de tijolos de solo-cimento | Miranda et al. |  |
2013 | Journal article | Avaliação experimental de blocos prensados de solo-cimento com adição de grits | Pinheiro et al. |  |
2013 | Master’s thesis | Avaliação da incorporação do lodo da ETA UFV na manufatura de tijolos de solo-cimento | Cabral |  |
2014 | Conference paper | Análise do comportamento da resistência a compressão do concreto carbonatado | Martins et al. |  |
2014 | Master’s thesis | Avaliação da homogeneidade e da resistência a compressão do concreto por meio de ensaios não destrutivos | Lopes |  |
2014 | Doctoral dissertation | Desenvolvimento de metodologia de dosagem de argamassas de revestimento e assentamento | Santos |  |
2015 | Journal article | Evaluation of Incorporation of a Leather Waste Powder in Mortars for Construction Industry | Ribeiro et al. |  |
2015 | Journal article | Evaluation of the Potential of Waste from Pulp Production (Grits) in its Use in Mortar: Physical and Chemical Characterization | Mesquita et al. |  |
2015 | Conference paper | Utilização de resíduos de tintas como aditivosincorporadores de ar em argamassas de revestimento | Alvarenga et al. |  |
2015 | Conference paper | Avaliação de misturas de resíduos industriais para composição de cimentos ecológicos | Justino & Pedroti |  |
2015 | Conference paper | Avaliação da incorporação de dregs na produçãode argamassa mista em substituição à cal | Santos et al. |  |
2015 | Doctoral dissertation | Avaliação experimental de concretos sustentáveis utilizando resíduo de construção e demolição como agregado graúdo, resíduo de mármore como agregado miúdo e com adição de fibra sintética | Araújo |  |
2015 | Master’s thesis | Desenvolvimento de processos de produção e avaliação do desempenho de tintas para a construção civil manufaturadas com pigmentos de solos | Cardoso |  |
2016 | Conference paper | Avaliação das Propriedades Mecânicas do Concreto de Pós Reativos com Adição de Celulose Nanofibrilada | Machado et al. |  |
2016 | Conference paper | Avaliação das Propriedades Mecânicas do Concreto de Pós Reativos Produzidos com Areia Proveniente da Região de Viçosa-MG | Lemes et al. |  |
2016 | Conference paper | Influência do Ácido Cítrico como Retardador de Pega em Pastas e Argamassas de Cimento Portland | Mendes et al. |  |
2016 | Conference paper | Caracterização Físico-química de agregados de escória de aciaria LD pós-processada para concretos sustentáveis | Souza et al. |  |
2016 | Conference paper | Caracterização de um ligante ecológico para argamassas obtido a partir da reciclagem da escória de forno panela | Marinho et al. |  |
2016 | Journal article | Avaliação experimental da interação entre paredes de blocos de concreto de alta resistência sob ações verticais | Castro et al. |  |
2016 | Conference paper | Produção de cimento belítico a partir de resíduos industriais para uso em argamassas de restauro | Mendes et al. |  |
2016 | Conference paper | Produção de clínquer belítico a partir de resíduos das indústrias de celulose e granito | Mendes et al. |  |
2016 | Conference paper | Avaliação do uso de revestimento contra fogo na face inferior de lajes mistas com fôrma de aço incorporada | Justino et al. |  |
2016 | Master’s thesis | Incorporação de dregs e grits de fábricas de polpa celulósica kraft ao clínquer para a produção de cimento Portland | Torres |  |
2016 | Journal article | Processos de produção e avaliação de requisitos de desempenho de tintas para a construção civil com pigmentos de solos | Cardoso et al. |  |
2017 | Book chapter | Reactive Powder Concrete Production with the Addition of Granite Processing Waste | Lemes et al. |  |
2017 | Book chapter | Addition of Cellulose Nanofibers in Reactive Powder Concrete | Machado et al. |  |
2017 | Conference paper | Comparativo de Permeabilidade entre Tintas Acrílicas e à Base de Solo em Argamassa de Cal | Mendes et al. |  |
2017 | Journal article | Ladle Furnace Slag as Binder for Cement-Based Composites | Marinho et al. |  |
2017 | Journal article | Blast Oxygen Furnace Slag as Chemical Soil Stabilizer for Use in Roads | Diniz et al. |  |
2017 | Journal article | Use of linear alkilbenzene sulfonate (LAS) and polycarboxylate ether (PCE) as reagents in iron ore flotation | Carvalho et al. |  |
2017 | Journal article | Evaluation of Incorporation of Dregs in Mortar Production in Replacement of Hydrated Lime | Santos et al. |  |
2017 | Journal article | Incorporation of Paint Waste from Furniture Painting Booth into Covering Mortar | Ribeiro et al. |  |
2017 | Conference paper | Análise morfológica e microestrutural de argamassas com Aditivo Incorporador de Ar | Mendes et al. |  |
2017 | Journal article | Avaliação numérico-experimental de prismas de alvenaria estrutural pelo Método dos Elementos Finitos | Santos et al. |  |
2017 | Conference paper | Effect of the joint thickness on the behavior of clay structural masonry | Fioresi et al. |  |
2017 | Master’s thesis | Desempenho estrutural e durabilidade à carbonatação de alvenarias de blocos de concreto | Martins |  |
2017 | Master’s thesis | Avaliação dinâmica do comportamento estrutural de vigas de concreto armado submetidos à degradação da rigidez | Lima |  |
2017 | Master’s thesis | Sistema construtivo em madeira: modelo de referência para habitação na Zona da Mata de Minas Gerais | Costa Filho |  |
2017 | Master’s thesis | Metodologia para avaliação de estruturas de concreto armado degradadas utilizando ensaios dinâmicos | Candian |  |
2017 | Master’s thesis | Utilização do concreto de pós reativos como material de reparo – Ênfase na resistência de aderência | Gusmão |  |
2018 | Master’s thesis | Utilização de resíduo de granito como carga mineral em tinta látex econômica para construção civil | Lopes |  |
2018 | Book chapter | Comparison of Performance Between Granite Waste Pigments Based Paints and Soils Pigments Based Paints | Lopes et al. |  |
2018 | Conference paper | Morphological and microstructural analysis of macropores in cement-based composites | Mendes et al. |  |
2018 | Book chapter | Addition of Dregs in Mixed Mortar: Evaluation of Physical and Mechanical Properties | Santos et al. |  |
“2018 | Journal article | Influence of blocks and grout on compressive strength and stiffness of concrete masonry prisms
| Martins et al. | ![]() |
2018 | Journal article | Proposta de método de dosagem para argamassas de revestimento com areia artificial de britagem | Santos et al. |  |
2018 | Master’s thesis | Avaliação do desempenho quanto à estanqueidade à água de sistemas verticais de vedação externa (svve) de paredes de blocos cerâmicos | Sathler |  |
2018 | Master’s thesis | Incorporação do resíduo grits na produção de argamassa para uso na construção civil | Mendonça |  |
2018 | Master’s thesis | Avaliação da influência das propriedades da argamassa de assentamento na rigidez e resistência da alvenaria estrutural | Caldeira |  |
2018 | Master’s thesis | Análise experimental da resistência pós incêndio de concretos com agregados da região de Viçosa- MG | Teixeira |  |
2018 | Doctoral dissertation | Cimentos belíticos fabricados com resíduos industriais e suas perspectivas de aplicação | Fassoni |  |
2019 | Journal article | Shear buckling strength of web-posts in castellated steel beams in fire | Justino et al. |  |
2019 | Doctoral dissertation | Obtention of eco-efficient cement-based composites using industrial waste | Carvalho et al. |  |
2019 | Journal article | More eco-efficient concrete: An approach on optimization in the production and use of waste-based supplementary cementing materials | Carvalho et al. |  |
2019 | Journal article | Low Environmental Impact Cement Produced Entirely from Industrial and Mining Waste | Carvalho et al. |  |
2019 | Journal article | Assessment of the use potential of iron ore tailings in the manufacture of ceramic tiles: From tailings-dams to ‘‘brown porcelain” | Fontes et al. |  |
2019 | Conference paper | Concreto de alta resistência ecoeficientes | Carvalho et al. |  |
2019 | Journal article | Iron ore tailing-based geopolymer containing glass wool residue: A study of mechanical and microstructural properties | Defáveri et al. |  |
“2019 | Journal article | Influence of the incorporation of granite waste on the hiding power and abrasion resistance of soil pigment-based paints
| Lopes et al. | ![]() |
2019 | Master’s thesis | Análise experimental dos efeitos da carbonatação e migração de íons cloretos em concretos pós incêndio | Oliveira |  |
2019 | Master’s thesis | Reaproveitamento do rejeito de minério de ferro, liberado no desastre envolvendo o rompimento da barragem de Fundão (MG), na produção de blocos cerâmicos | Mendes |  |
2019 | Master’s thesis | Avaliação do desempenho quanto à estanqueidade de juntas sujeitas a envelhecimento acelerado, utilizadas em sistemas de vedação vertical externa em alvenaria para estruturas de aço | Franco |  |
2019 | Master’s thesis | Concreto permeável para aplicação em pavimentação intertravada a partir de concreto de pós reativos – CPR | Fernandes |  |
2019 | Journal article | Influence of grinding on the pozzolanic activity of granite residue | Barbosa et al. |  |
2019 | Journal article | Durability of concrete after fire through accelerated carbonation tests | Oliveira et al. |  |
2019 | Journal article | Technical and environmental assessment of the incorporation of iron ore tailings in construction clay bricks | Mendes et al. |  |
2019 | Journal article | The influence of partial replacement of natural sand aggregates by grits residues on the mechanical properties of an ecological mortar | Oliveira Jr. et al. |  |
2020 | Master’s thesis | Avaliação das propriedades físicas e mecânicas dos concreto pós reativos utilizando resíduo de granito, no estado fresco e endurecido | Machado |  |
2020 | Master’s thesis | Avaliação numérica de pórticos de aço preenchidos com painéis de alvenaria estrutural de blocos de concreto submetidos à carregamentos cíclicos | Santos |  |
2020 | Master’s thesis | Aplicação do resíduo de mármore como carga mineral em tintas à base de solo como pigmento ativo para fabricação de tintas imobiliárias econômicas | Tressmann |  |
2020 | Master’s thesis | Avaliação da influência da variação do ângulo de inclinação da interface na resistência de aderência do CRP ao substrato de concreto | Lemes |  |
2020 | Journal article | Dregs and grits from kraft pulp mills incorporated to Portland cement clinker. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management | Torres et al. |  |
2020 | Journal article | Research into the use of marble waste as mineral filler in soil pigment-based paints and as an active pigment in waterborne paints | Tressmann et al. |  |
2020 | Journal article | Technological and environmental comparative of the processing of primary sludge waste from paper industry for mortar | De Azevedo et al. |  |
2020 | Journal article | Strength and failure mechanisms of masonry prisms under compression, flexure and shear: Components? mechanical properties as design constraints. | Nalon et al. |  |
2020 | Journal article | Influence of joint thickness and strength of mortars on the compressive behavior of prisms made of normal and high-strength concrete blocks | Caldeira et al. |  |
2020 | Journal article | Study on Assessment of Pozzolanic Activity: Slate Cutting Waste | Lima et al. |  |
2020 | Journal article | Compressive strength of reduced concrete specimens considering dimensional distortion of coarse aggregates | Azevedo et al. |  |
2020 | Journal article | Influence of high-charge and low-charge PCE-based superplasticizers on Portland cement pastes containing particle-size designed recycled mineral admixtures | Carvalho et al. |  |
2020 | Journal article | Enhancing the eco-efficiency of concrete using engineered recycled mineral admixtures and recycled aggregates | Carvalho et al. |  |
2020 | Journal article | Performance of Lightweight Concrete with Expansive and Air-Entraining Admixtures in CFST Columns | Natalli et al. |  |
2020 | Journal article | Potential use of ceramic waste as precursor in the geopolymerization reaction for the production of ceramic roof tiles | Azevedo et al. |  |
2020 | Journal article | Citric Acid Effect in High early Type Portland Cement Pastes and Mortars | Mendes et al. |  |
2020 | Journal article | Effects of different kinds of carbon black nanoparticles on the piezoresistive and mechanical properties of cement-based composites | Nalon et al. |  |
2020 | Journal article | Assessment of mechanical and microstructural properties of geopolymers produced from metakaolin, silica fume, and red mud | Mendes et al. |  |
2020 | Conference paper | Estudo do sistema modular de paredes para obras residenciais | Oliveira et al. |  |
2020 | Conference paper | Estudo comparativo entre resultados de resistência à compressão de concretos tradicionais e sustentáveis com adição de areia de vidro | Barbosa et al. |  |
2020 | Conference paper | Estudo comparativo entre resultados de resistência à compressão de concretos tradicionais e sustentáveis com adição de cinza de caldeira | Barbosa et al. |  |
2020 | Conference paper | Análise das propriedades reológicas de argamassas de cimento Portland de baixo custo e pequeno impacto ambiental para impressão 3D | Pedras et al. |  |
2020 | Conference paper | Carbonatação em concreto de escória de aciaria | Andrade et al. |  |
2020 | Conference paper | Desempenho de argamassas de revestimento produzidos a partir de escória de aciaria. | Matias et al. |  |
2021 | Journal article | Influence of particle size-designed recycled mineral admixtures on the properties of cement-based composites | Carvalho et al. |  |
2021 | Journal article | Application of eco-friendly alternative activators in alkali-activated materials: A review | Mendes et al. |  |
2021 | Journal article | Residual mechanical properties of mortars containing carbon nanomaterials exposed to high temperatures | Nalon et al. |  |
2021 | Journal article | Hydraulic Tiles Produced with Fine Aggregates and Pigments Reclaimed from Iron Ore Tailings | Fontes et al. |  |
2021 | Book chapter | Analysis of Potential Applications of Kamafugite Rocks in Fertilizer | Motta Jr. et al. |  |
2021 | Book chapter | Effect of the Incorporation of Bauxite and Iron Ore Tailings on the Properties of Clay Bricks | Mendes et al. |  |
2021 | Book chapter | Chemical, Physical, and Morphological Characterization of Eco-Clinker Produced from Industrial Wastes | Oliveira et al. |  |
2021 | Book chapter | Influence of Modifier Admixture Based on LAS in Cement Pastes | Martins et al |  |
2021 | Book chapter | Influence of the Incorporation of Granite Waste on the Weathering Resistance of Soil Pigment-Based Paints | Lopes et al. |  |
2021 | Book chapter | Study of Pathologies in Alkali-Activated Materials Based on Slag | Marvila et al. |  |
2021 | Book chapter | The Simpex-Lattice Method Application to Optimize the Design of Soil-Slag-Fly Ash Mixtures | Rodrigues et al. |  |
2021 | Book chapter | Evaluation of Thermal Healing in Pervious Concrete Pavers Produced with Reactive Powders Concrete | Fernandes et al. |  |
2021 | Master’s thesis | Eco-efficient steel slag concrete for precast industry | Martins |  |
2021 | Journal article | Application of the desirability function for the development of new composite eco-efficiency indicators for concrete | Souza et al. |  |
2021 | Journal article | Application of Construction and Demolition Waste in Civil Construction in the Brazilian Amazon—Case Study of the City of Rio Branco | Souza et al. |  |
2021 | Journal article | Performance of geopolymer tiles in high temperature and saturation conditions | Marvila et al. |  |
2021 | Journal article | Nanofibrillated cellulose and its applications in cement-based composites: A review | Santos et al. |  |
2021 | Journal article | Steel slags in cement-based composites: An ultimate review on characterization, applications and performance | Martins et al. |  |
2021 | Journal article | Microstructural Investigation of the Effects of Carbon Black Nanoparticles on Hydration Mechanisms, Mechanical and Piezoresistive Properties of Cement Mortars | Lima et al. |  |
2021 | Journal article | Concretos ecoeficientes de escória de aciaria: uma alternativa para alcançar a econômica circular | Costa et al. |  |
2021 | Journal article | Effects of post-fire curing on the mechanical properties of cement composites containing carbon black nanoparticles and multi-walled carbon nanotubes | Nalon et al. |  |
2021 | Journal article | Application of electric arc furnace slag for stabilisation of different tropical soils | Lopes et al. |  |
2021 | Journal article | Optimization of performance of sustainable paints using granite waste through the variation of particle size and pH | Lopes et al. |  |
2022 | Journal article | Evaluation of eco-efficient geopolymer using chamotte and waste glass-based alkaline solutions | Mendes et al. |  |
2022 | Journal article | Review of recent progress on the compressive behavior of masonry prisms | Nalon et al. |  |
2022 | Journal article | Stabilisation of clayey and sandy soils with ladle furnace slag fines for road construction | Lopes et al. |  |
2022 | Journal article | Concretos ecoeficientes de escória de aciaria: uma alternativa para alcançar a econômica circular | Costa et al. |  |
2022 | Journal article | Mechanical and durability performance of concretes produced with steel slag aggregate and mineral admixtures | Costa et al. |  |
2022 | Journal article | Influence of a LAS-based modifying admixture on cement-based composites containing steel slag powder | Martins et al. |  |
2022 | Journal article | Precast concrete sandwich panels (PCSP): An analytical review and evaluation of CO2 equivalent | Oliveira et al. |  |
2022 | Book Chapter | Comparative study of bridge structural condition assessment methodologies | Souza et al. |  |
2022 | Journal article | On the strategies to improve the eco-efficiency of self-compacting concrete using industrial waste: an analytical review | Souza et al. |  |
2022 | Journal article | Projeto e Construção de Estrutura de Impressora 3d e Produção de Elementos Estruturais de Argamassa | Veloso et al. |  |
2022 | Journal article | Estado da arte e BIM: um banco de dados aplicável às obras de reabilitação | Antunes et al. |  |
2022 | Journal article | Recycling waste materials to produce self-sensing concretes for smart and sustainable structures: A review | Nalon et al. |  |
2023 | Journal article | Use of steel slag and LAS-based modifying admixture in obtaining highly eco-efficient precast concrete products | Martins et al. |  |
2023 | Journal article | Evaluation of mechanical and microstructural properties of eggshell lime/rice husk ash alkali-activated cement | Ferreira et al. |  |
2023 | Journal article | Effects Of Post-Fire Curing on Self-Sensing Behavior of Smart Mortars | Nalon et al. |  |
2023 | Journal article | Application of mixture design of experiments to the development of alkali-activated composites based on chamotte and waste glass | Mendes et al. |  |
2023 | Journal article | Performance of low-energy steel slag powders as supplementary cementitious materials | Carvalho et al. |  |
2023 | Journal article | Influência do efeito fíler do pó de mármore na produção de concretos para pavimentos intertravados | Carvalho et al. |  |
2023 | Journal article | Experimental Analysis of Watertightness Performance of Interfaces between Masonry and Steel Structures Subjected to Accelerated Aging | Bhering et al. |  |
2023 | Conference paper | Modelos determinísticos de previsão de degradação de pontes por regressão polinomial de 3ª ordem | Souza et al. |  |
2023 | Conference paper | Parametrização de Danos e Reparos para Orçamentação da Manutenção de Pontes de Concreto: Uma Abordagem Conceitual | Martins et al. |  |
2023 | Journal article | Smart laying mortars for masonry structures: effects of lime/cement ratio and carbon nanomaterials content on self-sensing behavior | Nalon et al. |  |
2023 | Journal article | Influence of biocide and dispersant additives on the performance and durability of building paints produced with granite waste | Moura et al. |  |
2024 | Journal article | Self-sensing concrete masonry structures with intrinsic abilities of strain monitoring and damage detection | Nalon et al. |  |
2024 | Journal article | Coating mortars produced with recycled PET aggregates: A technical, environmental, and socioeconomic approach applied to Brazilian social housing | Resende et al. |  |
2024 | Journal article | Self-compacting microconcretes containing ornamental stone waste and expanded polystyrene residue: influence of the ratios filler/cement and lightweight/conventional aggregates | Souza et al. |  |
2024 | Book Chapter | Implementando Programas de Sustentabilidade em Universidades – Um Panorama da Evolução, Desafios numa Perspectiva Global e Brasileira | Lopes et al. |  |
2024 | Journal article | Effects of different cooling methods on the resistance to chloride ion penetration in concrete produced with slag-modified cement and exposed to elevated temperatures | Oliveira et al. |  |
2024 | Journal article | Detecting, monitoring and modeling damage within the decision-making process in the context of managing bridges: a review | Martins et al. |  |
2024 | Journal article | Comportamento de argamassas de revestimento cimentícias sob fogo ou altas temperaturas: uma revisão sistemática da literatura | Martins et al. |  |
2024 | Journal article | Analysis of IFC interoperability data schema for project representation | Antunes et al. |  |
2024 | Journal article | Optimization of performance of building paints using granite and marble waste | Lopes et al. |  |
2024 | Journal article | Sustainable Structural Lightweight Concrete with Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate Waste Aggregate | Resende et al. |  |
2024 | Journal article | Efficacy of the Simplex-Centroid Method for Optimization of Mixtures of Soil, Ladle Furnace Slag and Fly Ash Applied in Pavement Construction | Rodrigues et al. |  |
2024 | Journal article | Optimization of mixtures of soil, construction and demolition waste, and steel slag using the simplex-extreme vertices method | Galindo et al. |  |
2024 | Journal article | Behavior of self-sensing masonry structures exposed to high temperatures and rehydration | Nalon et al. |  |
2024 | Journal article | Effects of cooling type on mechanical properties of concrete produced with slag-modified cement exposed to high temperatures | Teixeira et al. |  |
2024 | Journal article | Experimental evaluation of concrete-reinforcement bond: Bond failure mechanisms after exposure to elevated temperatures | Andrade et al. |  |
2024 | Journal article | Kraft lignin biorefinery: from pulping side streams to concrete plasticizers | Zandonadi et al. |  |
2024 | Journal article | Effect of carbonation of soil-slag mixtures on the resilient behaviour and structural response of an asphalt pavement | Rodrigues et al. |  |
2024 | Journal article | Evaluation of coating mortars with addition of açaí seed (Euterpe oleracea Mart.) in different processing conditions | Monteiro et al. |  |
2024 | Journal article | Thermal Analysis of Concrete Blocks and Stack-Bond Prisms under Different Boundary Conditions | Nalon et al. |  |
2024 | Journal article | Optimization of mixtures of soil, construction and demolition waste, and steel slag using the simplex-extreme vertices method | Galindo et al. |  |