
Members of the reserach groups SICon and Reciclos publish an article in the journal Construction and Building Materials

The article “On the strategies to improve the eco-efficiency of self-compacting concrete using industrial waste: An analytical review” is available in vol. 347, 2022, of the journal.

The authors are reserachers of the Departments of Civil Engineering of the Federal University of Viçosa and Federal University of Ouro Preto. Those are: Ariel Miranda de Souza (UFV), José Maria Franco de Carvalho (UFV), Carol Ferreira Rezende Santos (UFV), Flávio Antônio Ferreira (UFV), Leonardo Gonçalves Pedroti (UFV) and Ricardo André FiorottiPeixoto (UFOP).

The work is a review about the origin and mitigation routes for the eviromental impacts of self-compacting concretes (SCC), analyzing the existing dosing methodologies and comparing the incorporate of different residues.

The full abstract and others informations about the papper can be found at the link:

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